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Gasby JS Impressions

Starting with GatsbyJS

Gatsby is a free, open-source, React-based framework that helps developers build performant websites and apps. It is a static site generator that leverages React. It's extended by a set of plugins and integrations. In this post, we will discuss the features of Gatsby and compare it with Next.js.

Server-Side Rendering

Gatsby provides server-side rendering (SSR) which is useful for web apps or simple static websites. It supports React or templating languages like Pug, Handlebars, or Jekyll. SSR is beneficial for SEO purposes as it allows search engines to crawl the website and index its content.

Third party CMS connection

This framework doesn't limit developer to use any specific solution for the data source. There are many types of the CMS'es developer can integrate. Starting from headless Wordpress, self hosted Contentful or NetlifyCMS, or Open Source like Strapi. Mant of them has plugins that make connection with them even easier.


If you want to use React everywhere, you can reuse components in different projects with Gatsby. This feature saves time and effort in developing new projects.

SEO Friendly

Gatsby is SEO friendly and provides enhanced image rendering performance. This feature is useful for improving website ranking on search engines.

Comparison with Next.js

Next.js is another popular React-based framework that provides server-side rendering. However, Gatsby has some advantages over Next.js. Gatsby offers better performance and faster build times compared to Next.js. Gatsby also has a larger plugin ecosystem that provides support for CMS connection, image rendering, sitemap generation, Google Analytics, Netlify or AWS deployment, ORM, and much more.


Gatsby is a powerful framework that provides server-side rendering, reusability of components, and SEO-friendly features. It has a large plugin ecosystem that supports various functionalities like CMS connection, image rendering, sitemap generation, Google Analytics, Netlify or AWS deployment, ORM, and much more. If you are looking for a fast and efficient way to build websites and apps using React, GatsbyJS is an excellent choice.